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The product

It often happens that the cover of the oil collector on the hydraulic connection of the tractor breaks. What now? So that you don’t have to replace the complete set, we offer you the dust cap as a single piece.

At a glance

  • Set with label +/-

  • Colors blue / red / black / green / brown

  • Strong synthetic material

  • Suitable for Faster oil collection system TSRS

The practical test

IfL offers the dust cap for the oil collection system from a set labeled + and -. The product is compatible with the FASTER TSRS system. If the dust cap of the oil collection container of the hydraulic connection on the tractor broke off, the entire system had to be replaced for maintenance. This results in high costs and expenditure of time that should not be underestimated. With DustCap from IfL, this effort is no longer necessary and the dust cap can easily be replaced.